An advanced course to prepare the experienced yachtsman or yachtswoman  for command .for a motor or sailing yacht up to 60 miles offshore in all weather conditions and in day  and night.

Building on day skipper training, the course covers in depth study of:


• Position fixing
• Passage planning and course shaping and plotting
• Tidal knowledge, the use of of almanacs and admiralty publications
• Electronic position finding equipment
• Taking and interpreting forecasts and plotting weather systems
• Weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
• Collision regulations
• Customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
• Vessel stability

Course Details

This is an advanced course face to face course covering the equivalent of 40 hours of training. It assumes some prior knowledge at RYA Day Skipper level. Candidates are required to sit three examination papers and it is an intensive course but one that is very rewarding and enjoyable. It is less about teaching but rather more developing skills and understanding through a dialogue, Successful completion counts towards the award of the RYA Coastal or Yachtmaster Qualification

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